Winterfield EC Website

Welcome to Mrs. Triplett's Website! 

Just a few reminders that Winter break begins December 22, 2016! MAP testing for Winter will be in January after break! 

This month I decide to do a fun novel study with my 4th grade students, we are reading Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing. Thus far we are enjoying the descriptive narrative of Peter and his troublesome brother! 


My 3rd grade reading group is still working on Fluency, using Read Naturally. Ms. W. Smith and I have decided that my reading group in the afternoon has turned into a decoding group, and therefore this group will now be getting direct instruction in decoding and sentence scooping. 



Looking Ahead 

-Progress Reports go home December 6th 

- SPIRIT WEEK--- December 12- 16th 

- K-2 Concert on December 21st at 12:30pm 

-Winter Break  ---  December 22 - January 3  No School 



- to school page:

- Raz Kids-   Teacher name: rtriplett0

- Moby Max-